and All Things Greek!

Eating Out – Notos

Savvas Fish Taverna

Notos, South Corfu

We have recently been introduced to Savvas Fish Taverna by friends Neal and Bev who have a house in nearby Agios Nikolaos. We are glad that we have found it!

The view from Savvas’s Taverna is spectacular with a shady seating area and gardens that led down to a small cove. We found it very picturesque and perhaps as important, the food was excellent. As we have now come to expect, the prices were far cheaper than in our area. Savvas is a fine host!

This is yet another place that we will revisit.  For us,living in the north east of the island, the only downside is the journey. It was a particularly hot day when we visited and even with the air conditioning going full blast there and back, it was very tiring. It was definitely worth the effort though!


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